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Defending the Hemp Industry in Louisiana's Legislative Battle

Updated: May 10

In a surprising move during a recent legislative session in Louisiana, Representative Polly Thomas made an attempt to add hemp-derived THC to the Schedule I drug list, which includes the most dangerous drugs. This would have effectively made hemp illegal in the state. However, thanks to the collective efforts of industry supporters and activists, her proposal was ultimately unsuccessful. The legislative sessions have now concluded, and no new hemp laws were passed.

This update, provided by the Hemp Association of Louisiana, highlights the significance of activism and the need for continuous vigilance in protecting the interests of the hemp industry. It underscores the importance of remaining engaged in legislative activities and staying informed about proposed changes that could impact the industry. Through activism and advocacy, industry supporters played a crucial role in thwarting attempts to curtail the hemp industry in Louisiana. Their dedication and activism serve as a reminder of the power of collective action in safeguarding the rights and future of the hemp community.

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